ARTEMIS network assist you as far as succession transfer is concerned and are competent for any question related to the matter, whether the succession is litigious or not.
In case a notary needs to intervene in order to settle a succession, latent family divisions might impede the sharing. The attorney then helps with your rights, advising you and assisting you either before or from the moment the succession is opened.
Therefore the attorney can help you write your will, advise you in case of an indivision by succession, assist you and if required, represent you legally if the succession cannot be dealt with amicably and if there are disputes between the heirs, or even between heirs and third parties.
In matters of inheritance and donation, we advise and assist our clients in implementing strategies and tools for transferring their personal and professional assets (civil companies, setting up “Dutreil” conservation commitments, holdings, etc.).
We also assist clients with taxation methods and reporting obligations. This includes beneficiaries or heirs who have received assets located abroad through donation or inheritance, or assets belonging to a deceased person or donor domiciled abroad. It should be noted that the convention between France and Switzerland regarding inheritance ceased to be effective as of January 1, 2015.
The lawyers in the network handling this area are Maître Valérie TRUCHET and Maître Cindy REALINI for inheritance matters.
Me Clément PEDRON is in charge of the more fiscal aspects (Dutreil, reporting obligations).